View the past minutes of our Patient Participation Group.
Dear Patient,
Please come and join our Patient Participation Group and have your say - all are welcome!
Our group meets monthly to discuss how the surgery could improve its services to patients and to give feedback on how patients perceive our surgery and staff.
The PPG has two main objectives:
Representing the patients of Mountwood Surgery
Assisting and supporting the operation of Mountwood Surgery
- We want patients to have their say about Mountwood Surgery. The PPG is a way to gain the views of registered patients and ensure that they are involved in decisions about the range and quality of the services provided by the surgery.
- All patients are welcome and we aim to gather patients from as broad a spectrum as possible to get a truly representative sample. We need young people, workers, young mothers, people with disabilities, people who are new to the UK, retirees, people with long term conditions and people from non-British ethnic groups.
- Patients who cannot join our meetings can alternatively join a 'virtual' group by giving us their email addresses. This will enable us to email them a (very occasional) survey, the minutes of our patient group meetings and any questionnaires about the surgery. This is designed for those who haven't got time to meet, but who still want to give their views. We would only contact our virtual group on an occasional basis.
If you wish to join the PPG please email
If you have any comments, feedback or suggestions you can email
Please note that this email address is not for any other use. It is not connected to the Surgery or to be used for sending confidential notes, patient information, etc.